Does The Big Mac Grow Mold?

A McDonald's customer recently conducted an experiment on a classic burger. Naa Adjeley wanted to see how long it would take for a Big Mac to grow mold. In a recent update posted a year and three weeks after she began the experiment, the TikToker inspected the food and found it was all still completely mold-free. She was also amazed to see that some of the shredded lettuce had retained its green color and some of its moisture. The Internet went wild with one person writing, "Lasted longer than a lot of my relationships.” The chain responded to the experiment saying, "The reality is that our burgers are made only with 100% USDA-inspected beef. There are no preservatives or fillers in our patties and the only thing ever added is a touch of salt and pepper on the grill." What do you love to eat that you know is AWFUL for you? How often do you splurge?

REUTERS/Shannon Stapleton

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